September 27,
2023 1434 1434
Further to the Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) dated 28th July, 2023 and in accordance with Part III of ZIPS Act Number 3 of 2003 and the Schedule Section 5 (2), the Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) Elections Committee, which has been appointed to oversee the elections, now hereby requests nominations from qualified individuals to fill the following Council positions for the 2023-2025 term:
(a) The President
(b) The Vice President
(c) The Secretary
(d) The Treasurer
(e) The Vice Secretary
Who is eligible to stand?
- Fellows (FZIPS) or Full Members (MZIPS) in good standing; and
- Fully paid up.
- Supported by four (4) members who are either FZIPS or MZIPS in good standing who are fully paid up members.
Nominations Submission:
- The Nomination pack can be obtained from the Secretariat or downloaded from the ZIPS website or click here.
- A duly completed nomination form must be accompanied by:
o Completed bio template
o Curriculum Vitae
o Completed Integrity and Probity Form
o All candidates must show proof of having paid the nomination fee for the position to be contested
o Proof of payment for the nomination position applied for.
- Applications can be submitted at the Secretariat addressed to the Registrar or sent by email to the Registrar on email Subject heading for email must be in format: Nomination for [insert position] – [insert name].
- All applications shall be accompanied by the applicable nomination fee as follows:
a. President - K3,000.00
b. Vice President - K2,500.00
c. Treasurer - K1,500.00
d. Secretary - K1,500.00
e. Vice Secretary - K1,300.00
- The duly completed nomination paper shall be lodged with the Secretariat by Wednesday 4th October, 2023 at 17 Hours. No late submissions will be accepted.
Call for nominations
18th September, 2023
Verification of voter’s register
18th September to 28th October, 2023
Opening for submissions of nominations
18th September, 2023
Close for submission of nominations
4th October, 2023
Publication of names of successful candidates
15th October, 2023
Opening of campaigns
15th October, 2023
Close of campaigns
2nd November, 2023
Issued by Elections Committee
18th September, 2023
July 28,
2023 1957 1957
The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) will be hosting its 11th Annual Conference, the 15th Annual General Meeting and 6th Awards Gala Dinner. These three national events will take place from Tuesday 31st October to Friday 3rd November, 2023 at the Avani Victoria Falls Resort in Livingstone.
The theme of the conference is “Spearheading Strategic Supply Chain Management via 3Ds in Achieving Value for Money”.
Please note that it is mandatory for ALL those involved in Procurement and Supply / Stores in your Institution/Organisation to attend this conference and AGM.
The major objective of this conference is to equip the Procurement and Supply Chain professionals including other stakeholders in the supply chain such as Chief Executive Officers, Accountants, Auditors, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and Administrators with the necessary information, skills and tools to enable them to provide value to their organisations in this changing environment.
The conference programme will consist of presentations, plenary sessions and master classes.
The AGM is the supreme decision-making body of the Institute and key decisions affecting the direction of the profession will be made and member participation in this event is therefore paramount.
The Awards Gala Dinner will see the recognition of deserving individuals and organisations whose outstanding contributions in 2022 will be unveiled and the winners will be announced.
Participation fees are as follows:
Gala Dinner
Sunset Boat Cruise
● Participation fees includes; AGM attendance, conference materials, delegate pack, teas, refreshments and lunch for four (04) days.
Social Events
● Awards Gala Dinner K1,500
● The Sunset Cruise is optional at K1,500
● Sunset cruise will be offered on a first come, first served basis and will only be confirmed upon receipt of full payment.
Accommodation & Travel
● ZIPS has made arrangements for special rates for accommodation around Livingstone (contact the registration team for details).
● Accommodation at Avani @K 2,300 per night and K11,500 for 5 nights
● ZIPS is also making arrangements for special rates for flights to and from Livingstone; contact the registration team for details.
Payments should be made by cheque or bank transfer to:
Account Name: The Zambia Institute of Account Name: The Zambia Institute Purchasing and Supply Institute of Purchasing and Supply
Account No. 9130000168312 Account No. 5574921500126
Bank: Stanbic Bank, Bank: ZANACO,
Branch: Main Branch Branch: Manda Hill
● Deposit slips (for cheques) and/or proof of payments (for transfers) must indicate the member(s) ZIPS number (if a ZIPS member)
Booking and registration to be done by completing the form from the following link:
For further information or clarification, please contact the registration desk on Tel 260211232720, Mobile +260978868880, +260975548980, +260975950722 or email
We look forward to seeing you at this prestigious gathering and thank you in advance for supporting the Institute.
March 11,
2022 2793 2793
Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) joins the rest of the nation in celebrating all the women and girls during the 2022 International Women’s Day under the Theme: ‘Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow’.
The President, Council, Management, and the entire ZIPS Family celebrates and honors all the women of our profession for your immense contribution both at national and organisation level in various capacities and portfolios.
Continue soaring high and know that you make ZIPS Beautiful.
Issued on behalf of the ZIPS President, Council, Management and General Membership.