August 3,
2020 5500 5500
As an Institute we wish to take this opportunity to celebrate and recognise farmers as we celebrate the 2020 Farmers Day.
The National Farmers' Day in Zambia is observed on the first Monday of August each year. There are three major categories of farmers in Zambia, defined in terms of the land area cultivated by each farmer.
1. Small-scale farmers, who are the vast majority, cultivate about less than five hectares (ha.) each, use few external inputs, and consume most of their produce, occasionally entering the market to sell any surplus.
2. Medium-scale farmers cultivate between 5 to 20 ha. They use improved seeds and fertilizers and sell most of their production. These farmers commonly use a combination of manual, animal draft power and tractors.
3. Large-scale commercial farmers plant about over twenty ha annually. These farmers apply high levels of purchased inputs and use oxen or machinery for farm operations. They produce almost exclusively for direct market sale or feed their grain to livestock kept on the farm.
With this background, The ZIPS Council and General Membership wish to pay a special cognisance for the Invaluable contribution the farming sector plays in the supply chain.
It has been said that the agricultural sector in Zambia supports livelihoods of 85% of the population, these statistics are not just figures but a reflection of Hardworking men and women that have taken up farming as a career.
If we look at the real measure of supply chain as being the success in how well activities coordinate across the supply chain to create value for consumers, while increasing the profitability of every link, then we as supply chain practitioners need to be proactively identifying the challenges in achieving this
Challenges include predominance of small/medium farmers, fragmented supply chains and absence of scale economies and coming up with solutions in procurement and sourcing. Warehousing and inventory management to name but a few where our influence can be felt.
At an individual level and in conclusion, farming is the future of wealth creation and as such I would like to employee our members to consider joining this promising sector either on small scale or Large scale.
May the Lord Richly Bless you all and Happy Farmers Day
Chibwe D. Mwelwa
ZIPS President.