
About Us

The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) was established by an Act of Parliament No.15 of 2003 on 20th September, 2003. The Institute was officially launched by the Minister of Finance and National Planning, Mr. Ngandu Magande, MP, through a Statutory Instrument (SI) number 34 dated 1st April, 2004.

The ZIPS Act is now, referred to, as the Government of the Republic of Zambia principal national policy on Procurement and Supply Management.

Following that successful launching the institute was registered with the Registrar of Societies and a certificate of Registration Number ORS/102/351414 was issued on 7th May, 2004.

The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply is now the Regulatory body on Purchasing and Supply Management Profession in Zambia.

On 16th May 2017 a milestone event was recorded – the re branding of ZIPS. Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr Roland Msiska, launched the new logo, Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives at a colourful ceremony at the New Government Complex


A nation of supply chain excellence


“We are, a world class Institute of supply chain Professionals regulating, training, promoting, improving and upholding standards of best practice in supply chain matters through compliance enforcement, research and Development, publications and collaboration with stakeholders to enhance social economic development sustainably”


“to be recognised as a consultant to government and industry on all matters related to procurement and supplies”.


Our Values


We shall conduct ourselves in an ethical manner in the execution of our duties to promote excellence and integrity.

·         SERVICE:

We shall be customer centric.  Everything we do will be to delight and focus on development of our members.


We shall put the obligations of the profession above personal interests and conduct ourselves in a manner that is beyond reproach and that which fosters accountability for our actions to our stakeholders to remove the veil of corruption.


We shall endeavour to promote generation and transfer of fresh ideas, ideals and practices that support the profession.


We shall conduct our affairs in a manner that ensures our operations are self -sustaining.


Strategic Objectives

There are 6 strategic objectives under the 2017 – 2019 Strategic Plan as follows:
1. Enhanced governance, legal and regulatory framework and developed organisation wide systems for effective service delivery in areas of human, financial, administrative and logistical services.

2. Established organisation systems and enhanced institution development to promote partnerships and networking.
3. Enhanced Financial Wellness and Resource Mobilisation
for sustenance of ZIPS

4. Improved image of ZIPS Professionals and enhanced
visibility of the Institute to stakeholders.

5. Developed integrated technological environment and
infrastructure to support quality service delivery.
6. Developed and well-coordinated education, training,
research and development protocols for the benefit of all stakeholders.

 The ZIPS Brand

The strategic themes attest to the Institute’s desire to be more focused, to deliver better and achieve excellence through our house of brands.  Our house of brands has a master brand and four sub brands namely:

·         ZIPSAdmn

·         ZIPSEdu

·         ZIPSPro

·         ZIPSBiz

These are separate to ensure strategic focus and to run them as strategic business units.  The house of brands is anchored by a value statement;

Learn. Serve. Prosper

Purpose of each brand:

ZIPSAdmn: focuses on improvement of stakeholder engagement and to better articulate, develop and communicate an identity that is visible and consisted with the ZIPS vision.  


ZIPSEdu; to enrich the learning experience for students and unqualified practicing members as well as to enhance the delivery of courses and examinations in our partner execution institutions through which service delivery is done.


ZIPSPro: to better articulate professional life so that there is better impact on industry when the professionals are carrying out Supply Chain activities.


ZIPSBiz: for sustainability and continuity, will develop revenue activities that will broaden the revenue base of the institute in order to sustain itself.  Lastly, engagement with members and stakeholders was identified as a weakness, therefore


To view the old logo, Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives go to Archives






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About Us

The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply was established by an Act of Parliament No.15 of 2003 on 20th September, 2003. This Act is now, referred to, as the Government of the Republic of Zambia principal national policy on Procurement and Supply Management. The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply is now a Regulatory body on Purchasing and Supply Management Profession in Zambia.See details


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