Welcome to the Zambia Institute of Procurement & Supply Member Register. The search function allows you to verify whether a member is fully paid up for the period.
The online search facility is has two options:
1. Ability to search by Member first name or surname (the Advanced Search option has more search criteria
2. Ability to view the entire paid up member registers
The details displayed are the full name, member no and grade.
By clicking on the member name full details in contact details, CV, qualifications etc. can be viewed only if the member has selected option to have this information displayed
If, as a member, you would prefer for your member details not to be shown, then simply log in to your My ZIPS profile and tick the opt-out checkbox.
To use the search select the option you wish
For the option under Search by Member either enter the name you’re looking for (a minimum of 3 characters must be entered within the Name field), or enter the Membership number.