Why should you join the Institute of ZIPS?
Membership of the Institute is for everyone who has an interest in the Purchasing and Supply industry and its future. The Institute actively promotes Purchasing and Supply to external audiences, increasing awareness of the importance of Procurement and Supply in government, education and industry. Our Members come from diverse backgrounds and follow all kinds of different careers; many are directly involved in Procurement and Supply but as many are using their Purchasing and Supply training in a wide range of businesses.
Services to members include:
- Newsletter
Receive our informative Newsletter each month. The newsletter archive is also available and dates back to 2009.
- The latest news, views and information for the local Purchasing and Supply community
- Careers
Careers information and resources for Purchasing and Supply graduates and others at all career stages.
- Employment opportunities through Job Listings exclusive to paid up members only.
- Members Blog
The members' blog is available to all members 24/7 where members exchange information regarding jobs, latest practices in industry etc.
- Registered status
Gain professional registration as a registered Procurement and Supply Professional.
- Professional development
Professional development and training
- Professional status
Post-nominal title in recognition of your professional status as MZIPS, AMZIPS, PMZIPS, or FZIPS
- Access to the members only areas
Join the ever expanding ZIPS LinkedIn group for members
- @zipzambia.org email address
ZIPSMail provides a forwarding email service (whilst membership is active)
- Events for National Secretariat and Branches
Local events for members and the wider community
- Conferences
As a member receive discounts to a wide range of conferences and meetings available.
- Being kept up to date on fellow member movements, transfer and any other announcements.
For further information on any of the services listed above, please contact us.