May 15,
2018 5955 5955
It gives me great pleasure to formally announce the promulgation of Procurement and Supply Degree Program of both Copper belt and Lusaka Universities.
In line with ZIPS Act, the ZIPS Council on Friday 4th May, 2018 formally approved the degree programs being offered by the material institutions. This mean, for the second time since 2003, when the ZIPS Act was enacted, ZIPS had only approved the CIPS as the qualification that would warrant someone to be conferred with full ZIPS membership after passing an exam approved by ZIPS Council.
What does this mean?
This means that ZIPS has now three qualifications that have been reviewed and approved by the ZIPS council namely: CIPS, CBU and UNILUS ( Undergraduate). However, the Act does say that one has to practice for 5 years before this application is ascended to.
In this regard, any one who has studied and passed examinations set buy CIPS, CBU and UNILUS can now apply for full membership as indicated above. Invariably, any one with these qualifications can now apply for full membership of the Institute.
The Institute would like to thank, most sincerely, the engaged ZIPS Council members, ZIPS EXCO and the Professional and Training Sub -Committee, Headed by Mr Njolomba, and ZIPS staff at the secretariat for their commitment and for being part of this mammoth achievement by the Institute.
Way Forward
Firstly, the Institute has commenced its review of other Degree qualifications domiciled in Zambia and once completed the same shall be communicated. Secondly, official communication shall be made to Government and other notable employers through ZFE. The same will be communicated through electronic and print media as well.
Yours in Service
Chibwe D. MWELWA
ZIPS President