

REST IN PEACE DR KENNETH KAUNDA (28 April 1924 – 17 June 2021)

REST IN PEACE DR KENNETH KAUNDA (28 April 1924 – 17 June 2021)

The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply(ZIPS) joins the rest of the Nation and the Kaunda family in mourning the loss of Zambia's Founding Father and First Republican President.

Its with a heavy heart that the Institute bids farewell to Dr Kenneth Kaunda populary known as KK. Without much doubt as known from different quotas both locally and internationally, Dr Kaunda being an interpreter and adviser on the African affairs to Sir Stewart Gore-Brown in his early days, he accquired knowledge of the colonial government as well as political skills which proved to be of great value to the liberation of Zambia and the region from the colonial rule.

Dr Kaunda served as a teacher, interpreter and adviser on African affairs to Sir Stewart Gore-Browne, General Secretary to African National Congress (ANC), President of the Zambia, African National Congress, and Consequently bacame President of the United Independence Party (UNIP) which brought the colonial rule to an end in Zambia.

Like many other African Leaders, Dr Kaunda faced many complex post independence problems. In overcoming these, Dr Kaunda united the nation with a Motto "One Zambia One Nation".

In foreign affairs, Dr Kaunda led other Countries of Southern Africa in confronting the white minority rule of Southern Rhodesia (Now Zimbabwe) and South Africa, Dr Kaunda allowed Zambia to be used as a base by black nationalist guerrillas led by Joshua Nkomo.He Championed countless Bilateral agreements both regional and continental that has enhanced Zambia's trade and also opened up the supply base for Zambia.

Today, we Mourn this great father of the soil, as a procurement family, we can not pride ourselves in the favourable supply enviroment Zambia has enjoyed without remembering Dr Kenneth Kaunda's Contribution to opening up Zambia to the neighbouring countries and the world at large. His Economic Policies saw Transitional Development Plan and susquently Zambia's First National Development Plan which insured investment into infrasture and manufacturing sector and was a success. 
As the supply chain family, We owe much appreciation  to His Excellency Dr David Kenneth Kaunda.

May His saul rest in Peace.


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The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply was established by an Act of Parliament No.15 of 2003 on 20th September, 2003. This Act is now, referred to, as the Government of the Republic of Zambia principal national policy on Procurement and Supply Management. The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply is now a Regulatory body on Purchasing and Supply Management Profession in Zambia.See details


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