March 23,
2020 4971 4971
Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply held its first Extraordinary Council Meeting on 24th January 2020 considered the following resolutions.
1. 2020 ZIPS budget
The Budget for 2020 was officially approved.
2. ZIPS December Examination Results
ZIPS December 2019 Results were approved and have been released to accredited Institutions. Secretariat was challenged and tasked to increase enrolments across the country. Candidates who sat for these Examinations can now access the results from their Institutions of learning.
3. Purchase of ZIPS Secretariat
ZIPS was invited to express interest in purchasing the Kwacha Pension building which is currently housing Secretariat Head Quarters in Lusaka.
a. The council approved the purchasing of the Building and sourcing of financing
b. The Council tasked the Lands Taskforce committee to meet in the month of February so as to organise fundraising ventures.
4. Deduction at Source (PERMC)
Council resolved that all members on PERMC to pay the difference on their subscriptions resulting from the adjustment which the current system is unable to accommodate.
5. Annual General Meeting Motions
The Council upheld the following motions which were approved by the 11th AGM which was held in Kitwe on 13th December 2019;
a. Holding of Annual General Meeting together with the Annual National Conference: Effect from the year 2020, the Annual General Meeting shall be held together with the ZIPS Annual Conference.
b. Revision of Membership Fees: Effect from January 2020 membership subscription fees have been adjusted as follows:
Current Membership Fee (ZMW)
Fellow (FZIPS) - 2,000
Full Member (MZIPS) -800
Affiliate - 650
Associate (AZIPS) – 4,500
Student - 175
Adjustment Increase (ZMW)
Fellow (FZIPS) - 1,000
Full Member (MZIPS) - 500
Affiliate - 250
Associate (AZIPS) – 3,000
Student – 25
Revised Membership Fee (ZMW)
Fellow (FZIPS) - 3,000
Full Member (MZIPS) – 1,300
Affiliate - 900
Associate (AZIPS) – 7,500
Student – 200
The adjustment increase will go toward the construction of ZIPS Secretariat and a savings account has been opened so as to separate the project fee from the Membership fee.
c. 6.3 Re-Alignment to the ZIPS Act No.15 of 2003
The following resolutions were approved effective from the next Elective Annual General
d. Vice President and Vice Secretary
Effective from the next elective Annual General Meeting, only one Vice President position shall be available for contesting while the position of Vice Secretary position will be reintroduced.
e. Tenure of Office for the Council;
With effect from the next elective Annual General Meeting, the tenure of office for the Council shall be two years
f. Executive Director to be the Registrar;
It was also resolved that with immediate effect, the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute shall be called the ‘Registrar’
g. Qualifications to become a Full Member;
It was resolved that one qualifies to be a member when they have fulfilled the following conditions:
I. Engaged in Purchasing and Supply or specialized field within Purchasing and Supply Function;
II. Has passed examinations as set by the Council; and
III. Has performed executive or advisory duties related to Purchasing and Supply management at a senior level for at least 5 years post qualifying.
The Council comprised the following
1. Mr. Chibwe D. Mwelwa : Chairperson, President
2. Mr. Noel Sandukiya : Vice President South
3. Mr. James Mwaba : Vice President, North
4. Mr. Daniel Kabamba: Council Secretary
5. Ms. Mary Banda : National Treasurer
6. Mr. Christopher Chichoni : Member representing Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA)
7. Mr. Mumba Chanda : Member representing Ministry of Finance (MOF)
8. Mr. Patrick Tembo : Member representing Zambia Federation of Employees (ZFE)
9. Ms. Maureen Banda : Member, Law Association of Zambia (LAZ)
10. Ms. Phildelia C.S. Mwaba : Member representing Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI)
11. Mr. Chanda Kabwe : Member Independent from DMMU
Henry Chanda
Issued by the Registrar
11th February 2020
September 20,
2017 5098 5098
The Hot Issue of cost of Road Contract and Fire Tender, Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) does not comment on hearsay and social media speculations. However, the institute is taking the following steps in this direction.
1.0 We are writing to both institutions for them to avail the procurement files to be reviewed by the relevant ZIPs sub -committee.
2.0 We are also engaging with ZPPA on other subsequent issues on the same.
3.0 The Institute will then hold a press conference and disseminate its finding. Please note that ZIPS is a professional institution and will not be drawn into hearsay discussions until such a time that a substantive review has been conducted,
Issued by ZIPS President
Mr Chibwe D Mwelwa
July 11,
2017 4441 4441
Zambia institute of purchasing and supply (ZIPS) and Zambia Bureau of standard (ZABS) had a fruitful meeting held on 8th June 2017. The aim of the meeting was to find ways and means of working together in order to promote standards of goods, works and services in the country. The collaboration between the two institutions seeks to ensure that the procurement professionals procure ZABS certified products (Products bearing ZABS mark) which will not only ensure quality of products, works and services but also, standardisation of the same products. This will reduce the risk of buying fake and harmful products and services.
To this effect an MOU shall soon be developed between the two institutions collaboration.
A list of ZABS certified products shall soon be provided to all the member
July 11,
2017 6667 6667
The ZIPS President featured on the ZNBC TV 1 program dubbed Business Enterprise, this was in an effort to popularize the profession. Mr Mwelwa stressed out the need for organisation to engage qualified personnel so as to realise value for money in the procurement process and the benefits that are a from a properly controlled procurement system, He warned all personnel’s practicing purchasing and supply without affiliating with the institute that it is an offense to illegally practice supply chain management functions and if found one can either be jailed for up to 3 years or fined or both.
Mr Mwelwa reminded supply chain management personnel on the need to ensure that every contract signed is monitored by the contract manger “Every contract signed must have a contract manager which is incumbent upon the controlling officer championed by the procurement personal to ensure that every project that has been given out has someone who is in charge of monitoring the same project, this will ensure that contract administrative personnel takes responsibilities of the contracts and that signing of a contract without a contract manager is a violation of the act”.
The ZIPS president mentioned on the same program that the institute has started engaging government so that some of the issue and concerns can be addressed. In a bid to sensitize and educate members ZIPS will conduct training in contract administration and internal audit analysis, this is targeted at reducing the number of the Auditor General’s queries. ZIPS will soon roll out a provincial training to all the provinces in order to train its members on the dos and don’ts in line with the contract administration process so that members have necessary skills to drive this process effectively. In conclusion the President said that the sustainability and the ability for us to meet the aspirations in Zambia plus budget in line with the five pillars are hinged on procurement, government therefore has a lot of mandate to ensure that they have the right people in their organisation so that the budget is sustainable and the economy develops