





Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply held its first Extraordinary Council Meeting on 24th January 2020 considered the following resolutions.


1.         2020 ZIPS budget

The Budget for 2020 was officially approved.


2.         ZIPS December Examination Results

ZIPS December 2019 Results were approved and have been released to accredited Institutions. Secretariat was challenged and tasked to increase enrolments across the country. Candidates who sat for these Examinations can now access the results from their Institutions of learning. 


3.         Purchase of ZIPS Secretariat

ZIPS was invited to express interest in purchasing the Kwacha Pension building which is currently housing Secretariat Head Quarters in Lusaka.


a.         The council approved the purchasing of the Building and sourcing of financing

b.         The Council tasked the Lands Taskforce committee to meet in the month of February so as to organise fundraising ventures.


4.         Deduction at Source (PERMC)

Council resolved that all members on PERMC to pay the difference on their subscriptions resulting from the adjustment which the current system is unable to accommodate.


5.         Annual General Meeting Motions

The Council upheld the following motions which were approved by the 11th AGM which was held in Kitwe on 13th December 2019;


a.         Holding of Annual General Meeting together with the Annual National Conference: Effect from the year 2020, the Annual General Meeting shall be held together with the ZIPS Annual Conference.


b.         Revision of Membership Fees: Effect from January 2020 membership subscription fees have been adjusted as follows:

Current Membership Fee (ZMW)

Fellow (FZIPS) - 2,000

Full Member (MZIPS) -800

Affiliate - 650

Associate (AZIPS) – 4,500

Student - 175


Adjustment Increase  (ZMW)

Fellow (FZIPS) - 1,000

Full Member (MZIPS) - 500

Affiliate - 250

Associate (AZIPS) – 3,000

Student – 25


Revised Membership Fee (ZMW)

Fellow (FZIPS) - 3,000

Full Member (MZIPS) – 1,300

Affiliate - 900

Associate (AZIPS) – 7,500

Student – 200

The adjustment increase will go toward the construction of ZIPS Secretariat and a savings account has been opened so as to separate the project fee from the Membership fee.


c.         6.3 Re-Alignment to the ZIPS Act No.15 of 2003

The following resolutions were approved effective from the next Elective Annual General


d.         Vice President and Vice Secretary

Effective from the next elective Annual General Meeting, only one Vice President position shall be available for contesting while the position of Vice Secretary position will be reintroduced.


e. Tenure of Office for the Council;

With effect from the next elective Annual General Meeting, the tenure of office for the Council shall be two years


f. Executive Director to be the Registrar;

It was also resolved that with immediate effect, the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute shall be called the ‘Registrar’


g. Qualifications to become a Full Member;

It was resolved that one qualifies to be a member when they have fulfilled the following conditions:


I.              Engaged in Purchasing and Supply or specialized field within Purchasing and Supply Function;

II.             Has passed examinations as set by the Council; and

III.            Has performed executive or advisory duties related to Purchasing and Supply management at a senior level for at least 5 years post qualifying.


The Council comprised the following

1.         Mr. Chibwe D. Mwelwa      : Chairperson, President

2.         Mr. Noel Sandukiya :  Vice President South

3.         Mr. James Mwaba  : Vice President, North

4.         Mr. Daniel Kabamba: Council Secretary

5.         Ms. Mary Banda       : National Treasurer

6.         Mr. Christopher Chichoni :   Member representing  Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA)

7.         Mr. Mumba Chanda               :   Member representing Ministry of Finance (MOF)

8.         Mr. Patrick Tembo      :   Member representing Zambia Federation of Employees (ZFE)

9.         Ms. Maureen Banda               :   Member, Law Association of Zambia (LAZ)

10.       Ms. Phildelia C.S. Mwaba  :   Member representing Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI)

11.       Mr. Chanda Kabwe             :   Member Independent  from DMMU


Henry Chanda

Issued by the Registrar

11th February 2020


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The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply was established by an Act of Parliament No.15 of 2003 on 20th September, 2003. This Act is now, referred to, as the Government of the Republic of Zambia principal national policy on Procurement and Supply Management. The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply is now a Regulatory body on Purchasing and Supply Management Profession in Zambia.See details


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