March 23,
2020 4645 4645
The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply (ZIPS) carried out corporate social responsibility activities at the University Teaching Hospital on Friday 31st January 2020. ZIPS strongly believes in giving back to the community in which it serves.
The Institute visited Zambia’s largest referral hospital - University Teaching Hospital and made a donation of various items to the Casualty and Accident Wing. The visit was not just about the donation but also saw ZIPS Council Members, ZIPS Members, ZPPA representative and Secretariat clean the ward.
The Chief Nursing Officer at the Adult Hospital who spoke on behalf of Management, welcomed ZIPS members to the Casualty and Accident Wing. He stated that the Ward is sometimes challenged for lack of cleaning resources. He stated that Management was grateful to ZIPS because the visit and the donation were timely. He further stated that the donation would help make UTH a relevant place of healing, comfort and hope for the patients as well as improve quality health care delivery to the patients.
Speaking at the same event, ZIPS President Mr Chibwe D Mwelwa reminded the audience that the reason the ZIPS Act was enacted was to ensure that the procurement process is sanitized and regulated. Its main function is to ensure that the procurement process is properly managed so as to maximise the benefits to be realized. The President highlighted the importance of the Procurement function in the development of a nation.
The ZIPS president thanked the Supply Chain professionals across Zambia for their contribution to the country. He stated that although the individuals were unsung heroes, their contribution and input could not be left unnoticed. Mr Mwelwa stated that for any organisation to maximise its profit and reach its objectives there was need for a properly managed procurement process.
The President noted the achievements that UTH had continued to score over the years through saving lives and mentioned the kidney transplant that UTH recently conducted as a case in point. He thanked Management for working hard in ensuring that lives were saved. He also reminded them that for them to effectively work they needed equipment and medical supplies which were procured by Supply Chain Personnel hence the need to collaborate.
Mr Mwelwa said that ZIPS was considering adopting a ward on a long term basis as a way for ZIPS to give back to the community as part of its social corporate responsibility.
Speaking at the same event, the Director General of Zambia Public Procurement Authority, Mr Christopher Chichoni who was also the guest of honor thanked ZIPS for a very important initiative which was aimed at making positive contributions to the quality of life of the community in which we live and work.
He noted that ZIPS was extremely active in promoting the values of corporate social responsibility emanating from its shared commitment to the priorities of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Mr Chichoni stated that ZIPS had realized the importance of setting up a corporate social responsibility policy because of the impact this has on society. He further stated that it was believed that CSR was no longer defined by how much money an institution contributes to a noble cause, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of people’s lives, in this case health.
Mr Chichoni noted that ZIPS had taken keen interest in several social issues which explain its’ growing interest in its’ CSR activities. The first such issue was to do with the concerns and expectations of citizens, consumers and public authorities as well as the impact of globalization and industrial change. The second issue was the increasing influence of social criteria on the investment decisions of individuals and institutions. The third issue was the growing concern over environmental degradation; on this one we are yet to see the institution actualize the green procurement concept.
The ZIPS Executive Director Mr Henry Chanda thanked management at UTH for allowing ZIPS to carry out its corporate social responsibility activities at UTH.
ZIPS provincial Chapters across the country will conduct similar activities.
Issued by ZIPS Secretariat
31st January 2020
March 23,
2020 5152 5152
The ZIPS President Mr Chibwe D MWELWA, on 13th February, 2020 initiated and led the ZIPS delegation comprising of the ZIPS Council Member, Mrs Phedlia Mwaba, the Registrar Mr Henry Chanda and the Education and Membership Manager Mr Inambao Wakwinji in meeting The Council and Management of Zambia Institute Resources Management (ZIHRM). The meeting was fruitful and addressed the following issues:
The ZIPS President stated that Zambia as a country hinges on procurement and that the sustainability of Fiscal Consolidation of the economy is dependent on prudent procurement practices and so it was important for professional employed to undertake this important function to be qualified and regulated as provided for in the ZIPS Act No. 15 of 2003.
Mr. Mwelwa outlined the role of the courtesy call on ZIHRM and stated how important the Human Resources Function was in developing Zambia and how critical the acquisition of skilled manpower contributes to the development of the nation.
TMr Mwelwa stated that the enforcement of ZIPS Act was meant to ensure that only qualified personal in Procurement and stores were engaged to carry out the function of Supply Chain Management and that this has to be adhered to by the Human Resources Department
The following was discussed and agreed.
In a bid seal the gaps identified ZIPS and ZIRM would define how they would help each other in the attainment of the Institution’s goals and objectives as they contribute to the National Development. ZIPS and ZIRHM were looking forward to a partnership through signing of a Memorandum of understanding.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to underpin this corporation.
a) The MOU would seek to ensure that only the right qualified people were employed to carry out the function of the Supply Chain. It was noted that when the right people are employed in the right offices in procurement and stores officers, this would translate into the value addition and development of our nation.
b)That the Human Resources department in all Institutions shall make sure that all adverts for procurement an stores jobs follow the provision of the ZIPS Act
c)To ensure that all interviews relating to Procurement and Stores in this nation are witnessed by the Zambia Institute of Purchasing and supply personnel to ensure that right people are employed
ZIHRM was pleased with the steps ZIPS had taken to foster development in the country. The ZIHRM President Mr. Mooka Silumbu spoke on behalf of the ZIHRM Council stated that The formation of ZIPS brought a lot of sanity in the Supply Chain Profession in Zambia. He cited the introduction of the Diploma in Purchasing and Supply as a step in the right direction and ZIHRM would emulate how they would also start offering training.
Mr Silumbu stated that ZIPS and ZIRHM needed to work together and to ensure that the two professions were recognized like it was with Finance ( ZICA)
Mr Silumbu said that ZIHRM concentrates on recruiting, managing and directing people professionally. He further stated that ZIHRM took full reasonability for employing professionals who were not qualified to undertake the Procurement function. Mr Silumbu mentioned that some of the reasons which contributed to Human Resources professionals recruiting unqualified personnel in the procurement positions was due to lack of unclear guidelines from professional bodies like ZIPS but hoped that the MOU would address some of these challenges.
The two Institutions agreed to immediately form a working Task Force to put to paper the content of the MOU. The Task Force was immediately created and tasked to started work:
The MOU will cover some of the areas
I. Training and Workshops (CPDs)
II. Conferences
III. Introduction of joint inspections
IV. Sensitization and demand for professionalism
V. Supply Chain Qualification and ZIPS membership affiliation should be a must for any procurement position
VI. Ensure that ZIPS representative is present each time an interview is conducted
Issued by
ZIPS Secretariat
26th February 2020
March 23,
2020 4412 4412
I would like to wish you all a very Happy Youth Day which is being held under the theme, 'I take the lead'. What does this mean to you as our ZIPS Youth?
It cannot be overstated that the youth are the future not only of ZIPS, but also the nation. As we enter a new decade and the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, you need to own your future and if you have not already done carve your roadmap to attain of your position in life. The prevailing environment where the economy is challenged, jobs are hard to find and where they are found, experience is a requirement that disenfranchises, you may be depressing and seemingly hopeless.
I say to you STOP all such thoughts and be the person that changes the narrative. Embrace the theme and Take the lead to be the driver of your owner destiny.
Ask yourself what is your place in life, what is your purpose. The Bible says “Young man, I say to you, arise!” (Lk 7:14). Arise our ZIPS youth and own your destiny. This is the day that you say no to everything that has been holding you back and yes to the reawakening of the youth to take their rightful place. Restore your vitality, dream big, increase your enthusiasm, be available, assert u and make yourself relevant.
Despite these challenges I strongly believe, with knowledge, determination, passion and clear focus on what you want in life you need to use this day to identify the deliberate steps to realise your dreams. Utilise the available resources and network (especially ZIPS Family) to help you on this journey.
As ZIPS we recognise the Youth as the future and I would be failing in my duty as as ZIPS President to not have my doer and that of the entire open to you to engage with. Our commitment to you is that we will continue to provide opportunities for your to participate in the activities of the Institute, to look out for your welfare and to do by all means what we can to support you on your journey. We do not intend to leave anyone behind and be assured that you are not alone.
May God Richly bless each and every one of you.
Chibwe Mwelwa (Former Youth and Youth at Heart)
ZIPS President
March 12 2020
May 15,
2018 6167 6167
It gives me great pleasure to formally announce the promulgation of Procurement and Supply Degree Program of both Copper belt and Lusaka Universities.
In line with ZIPS Act, the ZIPS Council on Friday 4th May, 2018 formally approved the degree programs being offered by the material institutions. This mean, for the second time since 2003, when the ZIPS Act was enacted, ZIPS had only approved the CIPS as the qualification that would warrant someone to be conferred with full ZIPS membership after passing an exam approved by ZIPS Council.
What does this mean?
This means that ZIPS has now three qualifications that have been reviewed and approved by the ZIPS council namely: CIPS, CBU and UNILUS ( Undergraduate). However, the Act does say that one has to practice for 5 years before this application is ascended to.
In this regard, any one who has studied and passed examinations set buy CIPS, CBU and UNILUS can now apply for full membership as indicated above. Invariably, any one with these qualifications can now apply for full membership of the Institute.
The Institute would like to thank, most sincerely, the engaged ZIPS Council members, ZIPS EXCO and the Professional and Training Sub -Committee, Headed by Mr Njolomba, and ZIPS staff at the secretariat for their commitment and for being part of this mammoth achievement by the Institute.
Way Forward
Firstly, the Institute has commenced its review of other Degree qualifications domiciled in Zambia and once completed the same shall be communicated. Secondly, official communication shall be made to Government and other notable employers through ZFE. The same will be communicated through electronic and print media as well.
Yours in Service
Chibwe D. MWELWA
ZIPS President
October 9,
2017 5252 5252
The Supply Chain Profession is the Holy Grail to the well-being of any organisation or economy of any country in the world. The continued relevance and nobility of the work that supply chain management professionals do is premised on continued adherence to its core values of Integrity, Probity and Service.
Mr Chibwe made a clarion call to all procurement and supply professionals in Zambia to remain resolute in conducting all the Procurements and Supply functions in a transparent, efficient, economic and corrupt free environment so to guarantee value for money.
“I also take this opportunity to warn all erring members of our profession who are engaging themselves in Fraudulent and Corruption practices that the Institute will not take kindly to any erring member of this profession. As the matter of fact, the Institute stands ready to cooperate with law enforcers in helping to curb the prevalence of Fraud and Corruption cases in the Procurement Process” said ZIPS president Mr Chibwe Mwelwa.
He advised any employing entity to report any suspected corrupt purchasing and supply personnel to the Institute and such members will be dealt with within the provisions of the ZIPS Act, which may include the withdrawal of the practicing license, among other sanctions provided for in the Governing Act. Mr Mwelwa said that ZIPS is calling upon all purchasing and supply professionals to be patriotic, procure prudently and remain true to the dictates of the Code of Conduct requirements of the profession, in order to enthuse value addition in the procurement process.