




On Behalf of the Council and Management a Happy Heroes and Unity Day Fellow professionals and Partners.


Every first Monday of July Zambia celebrates Heroes.  This is the day to  remember those who fought and died in the struggle for Zambian independence. However, in more recent years, the list of national heroes and heroines has been expanded to include people from all walks of life who have contributed heroically to the nation’s advancement.  Today is our Heroes (and we add Heroines) Day and together, as ZIPS,  we join the rest of the country and celebrating, honouring and appreciating these gallant men and women who for our independence.


Words cannot fully express our appreciation and gratitude for the contribution our heroes and heroines  have made at national level, Institute level and personal, but with all that is said and done we salute and honour and them.


As ZIPS members I encourage to reflect on the  drove these men and women to make the sacrifices they made to give us this independence we have and like in a relay race pick up the baton from where they left and race to our finish line which is a better Zambia.


Tomorrow we continue with the two holidays and will be celebrating Unity Day, a day set aside every first Tuesday of July


In a country of more than 70 ethnic groups with nine major groups and the population that speaks over 72 local languages/dialects our founding fathers thought it wise to introduce Unity day. Unity Day is intended to help foster solidarity between the diverse groups that make up the country. It aims at fostering solidarity between the various ethnolinguistic groups and maintaining the spirit of national unity.


While Zambia has enjoyed a stable political environment since independence, it has been affected by instability in neighbouring countries, with some ethnic groups feeling an affinity across ethnic rather than national lines.


With the Slogan "One Zambia, One Nation". Dr Kenneth Kaunda as the then Republican President  brought the national unity and Identity to its stability. Because of that today we have a Zambia that is united, a Zambia whose business environment is stable and favourable, a nation whose people of different ethnicities and background live together in harmony and work together without any challenges.


It's is in the spirit of unity that we also see Zips growing from one our current status to a status where our vision can allow us.


Unity does not mean we shall not disagree on principle, but out disagreements and criticism will be that of building one another and for the greater good of the institute and consequently the Nation.


In conclusion, allow me to close with the famous quote; "United we stand, Divided we fall". Fellow professions, our thriving and greatness lies in our unity, in speaking one voice, and looking out for the best of each member.


Let's embrace the spirit of "One Zambia, One Nation" and in turn One ZIPS.


God Bless


Chibwe D Mwelwa

ZIPS President

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The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply was established by an Act of Parliament No.15 of 2003 on 20th September, 2003. This Act is now, referred to, as the Government of the Republic of Zambia principal national policy on Procurement and Supply Management. The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply is now a Regulatory body on Purchasing and Supply Management Profession in Zambia.See details


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