Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply renews zeal to combat corruption
2016 6542 6542
The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply has pledged to scale up the fight against corruption among its members in line with government’s policy of zero tolerance to corruption.
The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply has pledged to scale up the fight against corruption among its members in line with government’s policy of zero tolerance to corruption.
Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply Kitwe chapter chairman Heggie Kalangwa however notes that the fight against corruption in relation to the purchase and supply of goods and services would only be won if both the public and private sectors employed qualified people accredited to the Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply.
Mr. Kalangwa was speaking in Kitwe last evening at a dinner dance hosted by the institute at hotel Edinburgh.
He said the institution would continue making the procurement and supply management profession in Zambia as a vehicle and tool for economic prosperity through prudent procurement and supply.
Mr. Kalangwa told the diners that his institution has also come up with a deliberate programme of sensitizing members on the dangers of HIV and AIDS in all its forums.
Government has assured the nation that remains steadfast to virtues of good governance and combating corruption as the vice has devastating effects on any nation’s development prospects due to the cost to the nation of corrupt practices.
Zambia is on record that it condemns all forms of corruption as it only serves to benefit those with selfish interests at the expense of the many who are wallowing in poverty.