



Dear Members


On Behalf of the Council, Management, and subcommittees I want to draw your attention to the week of love, it is Valentine’s Day. Valentines has become a part of our life which stems from St Valentine’s Day, an annual festival that comes every year on 14th February to celebrate romantic love, friendship, and admiration.


As an institute in tandem with the Government’s goal to foster the building of strong family relationships, we wish call on every one of you to send messages of love and affection to your partners, families, and friends.


Further, we would like to extend our appreciation to you, our valued members on this Valentine’s Day. There can never be a better day than today to express how much we value the trust you put into our leadership and send you warm wishes on this sentimental day.


Today we’re celebrating you. Thank you for being such awesome members, we surely wouldn’t be where we are without you. Happy Valentine’s Day!


On Behalf of the ZIPS Council and Management

Fellow Robert Tembo

ZIPS President



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The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply was established by an Act of Parliament No.15 of 2003 on 20th September, 2003. This Act is now, referred to, as the Government of the Republic of Zambia principal national policy on Procurement and Supply Management. The Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply is now a Regulatory body on Purchasing and Supply Management Profession in Zambia.See details


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